What is CBD?
CBD otherwise know as Cannabidiol is a cannabinoid. Cannabinoids are special compounds found in the Cannabis plant family. There are at least 80, possibly up to 100, known cannabinoids. There are nearly 400 other chemical compounds in cannabis that are common to all plants
— like chlorophyll, terpenoids, flavonoids and plant waxes.
Cannabinoids and cannabinoid like compounds are found in a handful of other plants such as Echinacea, flax, common tea, kava and hops.
The Runner’s High is a phenomena created by production and release of the endogenous cannabinoid, Anandamide, as well as Endorphins – both are “feel good” neurotransmitters. Only Anandamide crosses the blood-brain barrier, thus responsible for the “runner’s high” effect.
Mother’s breast milk contains naturally significant quantities of cannabinoids as well.
Cannabinoids interact with your body’s native endocannabinoid system to promote overall homeostasis.
Hemp oil is more than just a good source of cannabinoids. Our full-spectrum hemp oil is also an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, essential fatty acids, proteins, fibers, terpenes and flavonoids, making it a versatile daily dietary supplement.

Hemp vs. Marijuana
Hemp Plant: High in CBD * Non- Psychoactive * No Mood Alteration
​Tall and lengthy (can grow 10-20 ft. high
High concentration of CBD
Around the world, it is grown mostly for fiber and used in textiles

Both of these are plants in the cannabis family however play very different roles
Marijuana Plant: High in THC * Psychoactive * “High” feeling produced.
Short and bushy (grows about waist high)
High concentration of THC (psychoactive)
Grown for psychoactive effect
No industrial application
What is the Endcannabinoid System?
Immune Function
Cardiovascular Function
Experts believe that the function of the ECS is the regulation of homeostasis.
Research has shown that cannabinoids are able to target damaged cells without affecting normal cells. The ECS acts as a biological defense system.
Endocannabinoids and their receptors are found throughout the body. Two types: CB1 and CB2. CB1 receptors are found in the brain and nervous system. CB2 receptors are primarily in the organs and the immune system.
It has been shown that Cannabidiol (CBD) strengthens and improves the efficacy of mitochondria, the power source for every cell in your body.
Interested in Research
Get Educated, Cannabinoids are so important to our overall health
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